We’ve been crazy busy this past year at LogicalInsight. More kitties, more things going haywire, and even a flat tire just in time for Christmas. We’ve been pulled away from the website more than we’d have liked, but we will try to be much better about adding more useful and, hopefully, entertaining content for you going forward.
Forgive us, please. Life gets in the way sometimes and never at a convenient time. We resolve to do better this year, so don’t give up on us or our website yet!
Everyone is a consumer, right? Whether it’s groceries, utilities, books, or clothing everyone has to consume something on an on-going basis. We consume in order to survive!
Why Logical Insight? It’s because we begin our observations and opinions with a logical approach to gain insight into how things work (or don’t work) for us in everyday situations.
And then we share our experiences with you, our fellow consumers!
What you’ll find here on our web magazine are hints, ideas, information, reviews, projects, recipes, suggestions, and commentary by some insightful consumers who want to share ideas with other consumers in the hopes that it makes everyone’s process of consuming more efficient, enjoyable, and maybe even more frugal.
You will not see any advertisements on our website. We have no allegiance to any corporate entity and have no plans to monetize our site. We’re all about freely sharing knowledge, information, and experiences in the original spirit of the Internet, not feeding our visitors more commercial advertising.
And you will not see any content generated by Artificial Intelligence! Everything we post will be a product of pure Human Intelligence. We may make an occasional typo or flub, but we’ll own it.
Okay, we can’t do arithmetic as fast as a computer, but we can be a lot more creative than one and without having to stoop to sending a bot out into the wild to scrape content from other real people.
Join us as we learn new ideas, create new excitement, and produce new things to enhance our environment for ourselves and those around us.
Looking for a new book to read or a new recipe to try? Interested in reading all sorts of articles on all sorts of topics (sort of like here)?
Check out the safe and friendly websites and blogs of our friends.
Writing under several noms de plume, Mary Monica Ferris has a rich back catalog of cozy mysteries including the Needlework Mystery series referenced in articles on our Around the House pages. Read her blog entries about research she’s done for her books and the adventures of surviving winters in Minnesota then browse through her Books section to find a few cozy mysteries that you might enjoy reading.
Looking for a new recipe to try, maybe one with an Irish twist? Logical Insight contributor Peter Flynn has gathered an impressive list of recipes he’s tried over the years on his website along with his commentary and recipe results.
Prolific author Phil Williams offers an informative and entertaining blog about everything from his beautiful and productive gardening to befriending feral cats. His books range from non-fiction to thrillers to insightful fiction. Odds are, you’ll find something of interest to keep you coming back to find another book to add to your to-be-read pile and for the next installment of his blog.
If you’re a fan of Baroque Era music like we are, you’ll want to visit The Baroque Music Library for free mp3 downloads of 130 beautiful selections of professionally recorded music from a gaggle of Baroque composers including Vivaldi, Handel, Fux, Purcell, Zelenka, and of course, Johann Sebastian Bach. Ahhhhh, Bach!