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Around the House

Introducing Quintessa

by Laura

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Meet our tiny, white lion(ess) from the Q Continuum, Quintessa. She could easily be Victoria’s long-haired sister. Quintessa is all white with beautiful blue eyes and will be six years young on February 6th. Quintessa was adopted from Animal Friends in Pittsburgh. She is in excellent care with the wonderful veterinarians and staff at Cambria Veterinary Care.

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Where did the name Quintessa come from? I told Marty that I wanted a name that represents the universe, is celestial, and pure. Marty came up with quintessence. The ancient philosophers believed that there were only five elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Quintessence. Quintessence is heavenly perfection of where the gods reside, accompanied by the music of the spheres. From there, I thought of the name Quintessica. Then later, Marty mistakenly said Quintessa, and we both liked that better.

We hadn’t meant for this to happen, but it all fell into place perfectly. We were thinking of adopting two kittens. Then I saw Quintessa (love at first sight heart in hand) and asked if we could meet her. The staff found an empty room for us. I called Marty over who was on the other side checking out the kitty colony. Then Quintessa was brought in. We let her come to us when she was ready, slowly and politely introducing ourselves. Quintessa did come to us and she sat on both of our laps at different intervals. We fell in love with Quintessa. She is a sweet, shy kitty, with a meow like Victoria’s, very precious and dainty.

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Q loves to get on her blanky (formerly for Victoria) made by my dear Aunt Rosie on the perch by the window and the blanky made by her Auntie Nyssa. She doesn’t seem to be camera-shy thus far. Q loves to strike a pose and wants you to visit this page for future photo shoots. Quintessa has her own email address! If you’d like to contact her, here is Quintessa’s email address: Quintessa@LogicalInsight.net.

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What a smart kitty! Q loves to read!

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Quintessa, The Lion(ess) Sleeps Tonight.

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